The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Down With The Man | Part 2


Hand count: ever wished there were more 3-day weekends around? Guess what: time to stop wishing and start doing. That’s right, there’s a movement out to radically change the good ol’ Gregorian calendar and make Monday an official day off. An everyday Festivus for the rest of us, if you will.

The guys at Yakima, the makers of those nifty car racks and other killer gear, are on a mission to make Monday the new Sunday and give people more time to enjoy The Great Outdoors. Or, you know, life.

And they mean business.

They’re arming people with printable protest signs, DIY buttons, and even boss- convincing research to help get The Man signing off on it in no time. And if you’re raising a skeptical eyebrow, let us assure you the movement is already afoot — judging by Uncle Sam pranking the Tour de California to spread the word, it seems like people want Mondays off even more badly than we thought.

So what can YOU do? For starters, join the Facebook group supporting the cause. Then, get all those propaganda materials and get to work — any public event you can sneak into is fair game. Concerts? Why not. Talk shows? Go right ahead. Political rallies? Hey, if you can pull it off without getting arrested… Bonus points for getting on camera.

Because, really, who wouldn’t want 3-day weekends every weekend?

Oh, we know. The Man.

Published April 27, 2008




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