The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Catch of the Day

We’re suckers for clever guerrilla campaigns. We’re also suckers for sustainability. So, naturally, we’re all over this campaign for environmental nonprofit Surfrider Foundation.

Catch of the Day: Condoms Fillets

From condom “fillets” to styrofoam “bites” packaged like something you’d find at Whole Foods, the Catch of the Day campaign is a visceral reminder of how pollution both stifles wildlife and ultimately ends up on our plates.

Catch of the Day: Styrofoam Bites

The junk is all 100% authentic, hand-picked from various beaches across America, from Galveston to South Padre Island to Venice Beach.

Yep, the condoms too.

Catch of the Day: Plastic

The campaign positions littering as the antithesis of the true surfer spirit of bonding with nature, respecting it, and appreciating its raw beauty. Because nothing puts as big a damper on that appreciation as having a cigarette bud stick between your toes while walking on a wild beach.

Catch of the Day: Butts & Bits

Best part: Packaged in (we hope post-consumer) plastic to look like seafood, the stuff is offered at real farmers’ markets across the coasts. Talk about authenticity and stride-stopping impact. Genius.

Catch of the Day: Aerosol

Out of Saatchi & Saatchi, LA.

via TreeHugger (Thanks, Teddy)

Published December 31, 2008




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