The Creators Project
By Maria Popova
Brain Pickings is all about providing a platform of visibility for the projects, ideas and creators moving the world forward. Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have the bandwidth that today’s media titans do. So we’re always happy to see said titans pull their media prowess together to give a share of voice to these creators. This month, two of them — VICE and Intel — are doing just that in a new partnership dubbed The Creators Project: A new network celebrating global creativity and culture across media.
From French hipster music darlings Phoenix to Brazilian digital artist Muti Randolph to South Korean engineer Hojun Song, the multiyear project showcases over 80 of the world’s most compelling creators, spanning an incredibly wide spectrum of creativity — art, design, fashion, gaming , film, music and more — which we think is tremendously important in an age when creative storytelling and self-expression continue to take new forms, explore new media and create new vocabulary for what it means to be an “artist.”
At a time in the history of the arts where digital technologies have revolutionized distribution, democratized access, and completely re-imagined the scope and scale with which an artist can create a vision and reach an audience, The Creators Project is a completely new kind of arts and culture channel for a completely new kind of world.
The project has two key missions: One, to continually identify visionary artists and offer a platform for celebrating their work; two, to serve as a content creation studio (they’ve already created a video for Phoenix), allowing artist to collaborate, facilitating the production and distribution of their work, and helping them reach new audiences both via the site itself and through the multiple events The Creators Project is holding around the world. The event series includes collections of curated artworks and installations, screenings, panel discussions and dozens of performances by the featured creators, beginning next month in New York City, then moving to London, Sao Paulo, and Seoul to finally culminate in Beijing with a massive three-day Creators exposition in September.
Co-created by DJ extraordinaire Mark Ronson, the project holds riveting promise for the intersection of creativity and technology. More importantly, it reclaims this future-forward conception of art from the grip of today’s fluff-lined manifestos and creates a tangible, actionable, put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is platform for what is so often talked about and so rarely enacted.
You can follow The Creators Project on Twitter and show some love on Facebook. (While you’re at it, show some for us as well, eh?)
Published May 24, 2010
