The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Ingrid Dabringer’s Map Paintings: Finding Whimsy in Geography

As a hopeless lover of maps, creative cartography and, especially, maps as art, I was utterly enchanted by the work of mixed-media visual artist Ingrid Dabringer, who uses acrylic paint to draw — or, more precisely, find — extraordinary, playful characters and vignettes in ordinary maps.

I like to elevate the mundane. The Mundane is so saturated with meaning if we just take an extra second to dwell on it. The Mundane is saturated with symbolism.” ~ Ingrid Dabringer

New York City Subway
Bird Migration Dame
Bird Migration Dude
Vienna Ballet Countess
Vienna Ballet
Ireland and England
OH! Canada
Green Toronto A
Green Toronto B
Flamenco: Middle America

Some of Dabringer’s magnificent map paintings, most certainly on par with The Map as Art, are available on Etsy, or you can contact her directly for originals.

Published July 13, 2011




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