The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Vintage Holiday Cover Designs for Radio Times Magazine

Digital culture may have begotten the obsolescence of the art of letter-writing, but it has also spurred the less obvious demise of various other communication arts — from travel posters to library ads to the entertainment program guide and its vibrant, attention-grabbing cover designs. Take, for instance, these beautiful archival covers of Radio Times, the weekly UK radio and television program listing magazine affiliated with the BBC: Created between the 1930s and 1970s, these gems — many of them Christmas-themed — present a stunning time-capsule of vintage design and typography for an artifact that has since dropped out of cultural relevance, and a reminder that technological and aesthetic sensibilities evolve along parallel axes.

Complement with the best book, magazine, and catalog covers from around the world.

Published December 26, 2012




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