The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “film”

Information Pioneers: The Unsung Heroes of the Information Age
Information Pioneers: The Unsung Heroes of the Information Age

What striking down Hitler has to do with laying the groundwork for the iPhone.

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A Love Letter to New York, in HD
A Love Letter to New York, in HD

The beauty of surrender, or why a whole new color spectrum lives between black and white.

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The Robin Hood Tax Project
The Robin Hood Tax Project

What the French president has to do with open education and aspiring filmmakers.

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The Creators Project
The Creators Project

Brazilian digital graffiti, Korean engineering and the evolution of modern art.

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Market Maketh Man: Distortions of Democracy
Market Maketh Man: Distortions of Democracy

Equilibrium, apathy and what John Stuart Mill has to do with medical marijuana.

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One Day On Earth: A Timecapsule of Humanity
One Day On Earth: A Timecapsule of Humanity

How to become a pixel in the collaborative portrait of the world.

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The Genius of Design: A BBC Design Retrospective
The Genius of Design: A BBC Design Retrospective

What plastic chairs have to do with German partisanship and how women use the kitchen.

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Books for Dad: 7 Esoteric Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Books for Dad: 7 Esoteric Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Film neverland, copper, maps, and how to save dad from having a midlife affair.

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Remix Culture Spotlight: Walking on Eggshells
Remix Culture Spotlight: Walking on Eggshells

What legal anachronism has to do with Bob Dylan, Picasso and Family Guy.

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Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia

Prison storytelling, subcultural anthropology, and the allure of darkness.

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