The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Page 1491

Mobile Mobile: The Christmas Tree Retought
Mobile Mobile: The Christmas Tree Retought

Dusty phones, giant chandeliers, and a post-modern Christmas tree that tweets.

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DoGooder: Do Nothing, Change Everything
DoGooder: Do Nothing, Change Everything

How to bypass annoyance with slick design and serious dogoodness.

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A Stop-Motion Treat from BBC Radio 1
A Stop-Motion Treat from BBC Radio 1

42,000 antidotes to anonymity, or how to close the feedback loop by opening up the silo.

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Uncovered Gem: Bono Reads Bukowski’s “Roll The Dice”
Uncovered Gem: Bono Reads Bukowski’s “Roll The Dice”

“If you’re gonna try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.”

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