The Marginalian
The Marginalian

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Bear and Wolf: A Tender Illustrated Fable of Walking Side by Side in Otherness
Bear and Wolf: A Tender Illustrated Fable of Walking Side by Side in Otherness

A watercolor serenade to kinship across difference in a shared world.

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning on Happiness as a Moral Obligation
Elizabeth Barrett Browning on Happiness as a Moral Obligation

“It is well to fly towards the light, even where there may be some fluttering and bruising of wings against the windowpanes, is it not?”

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Nobel Laureate André Gide on the Five Elements of a Great Work of Art
Nobel Laureate André Gide on the Five Elements of a Great Work of Art

“You come to doubt whether there is any secret there; it seems that you touch the depths at once. But ten years later you return to it and enter still more deeply.”

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Neither Victims Nor Executioners: Albert Camus on the Antidote to Violence
Neither Victims Nor Executioners: Albert Camus on the Antidote to Violence

“If he who bases his hopes on human nature is a fool, he who gives up in the face of circumstances is a coward.”

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