The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “Bruce Lee”

Bruce Lee on Death and What It Takes to Be an Artist of Life
Bruce Lee on Death and What It Takes to Be an Artist of Life

“The intangible represents the real power of the universe. It is the seed of the tangible. It is living void because all forms come out of it, and whosoever realizes the void is filled with life and power and the love of all beings.”

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Bruce Lee’s Daughter Shares Her Father’s Philosophy of Learning
Bruce Lee’s Daughter Shares Her Father’s Philosophy of Learning

“Learning is discovering, uncovering what is there in us.”

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Bruce Lee on Self-Actualization and the Crucial Difference Between Pride and Self-Esteem
Bruce Lee on Self-Actualization and the Crucial Difference Between Pride and Self-Esteem

“The less promise and potency in the self, the more imperative is the need for pride. The core of pride is self-rejection.”

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Be Like Water: The Philosophy and Origin of Bruce Lee’s Famous Metaphor for Resilience
Be Like Water: The Philosophy and Origin of Bruce Lee’s Famous Metaphor for Resilience

“In order to control myself I must first accept myself by going with and not against my nature.”

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Bruce Lee’s Never Before Revealed Letters to Himself About Authenticity, Personal Development, and the Measure of Success
Bruce Lee’s Never Before Revealed Letters to Himself About Authenticity, Personal Development, and the Measure of Success

“Where some people have a self, most people have a void, because they are too busy in wasting their vital creative energy… actualizing a concept of what they should be like rather than actualizing their potentiality as a human being.”

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Bruce Lee’s Never-Before-Seen Writings on Willpower, Emotion, Reason, Memory, Imagination, and Confidence
Bruce Lee’s Never-Before-Seen Writings on Willpower, Emotion, Reason, Memory, Imagination, and Confidence

“You will never get any more out of life than you expect.”

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Bruce Lee on the Power of Repose and Yielding as an Act of Strength
Bruce Lee on the Power of Repose and Yielding as an Act of Strength

“One should be in harmony with, and not rebellion against, the strength of the opponent.”

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