The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “diaries”

Anaïs Nin on Embracing the Unfamiliar
Anaïs Nin on Embracing the Unfamiliar

“It is a sign of great inner insecurity to be hostile to the unfamiliar.”

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Anaïs Nin on Parenting, Character, and Personal Responsibility
Anaïs Nin on Parenting, Character, and Personal Responsibility

“We cannot always place responsibility outside of ourselves, on parents, nations, the world, society, race, religion.”

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On Beauty, Quality, Poetry, and Integrity: Anaïs Nin Meets Frank Lloyd Wright, Jr. (1947)
On Beauty, Quality, Poetry, and Integrity: Anaïs Nin Meets Frank Lloyd Wright, Jr. (1947)

“His struggle is against uniformity and wholesale design. If he sounds like a moralist, it is because beauty, quality, and ethics are inseparable.”

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Anaïs Nin on the Meaning of Life and the Dangers of the Internet, Before the Internet
Anaïs Nin on the Meaning of Life and the Dangers of the Internet, Before the Internet

“We believe we are in touch with a greater amount of people… This is the illusion which might cheat us of being in touch deeply with the one breathing next to us.”

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No Dream-Laden Adolescent: Anaïs Nin Meets Young Gore Vidal, 1945
No Dream-Laden Adolescent: Anaïs Nin Meets Young Gore Vidal, 1945

“Like all writers, he dreams of total acceptance, unanimous love. A dream.”

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Susan Sontag on the Creative Purpose of Boredom
Susan Sontag on the Creative Purpose of Boredom

“Most of the interesting art of our time is boring.”

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A Poetic Antidote to City Life
A Poetic Antidote to City Life

“You exist by your smile and your presence… Quests, pursuits of concrete securities of one kind or another lose all their importance.”

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Susan Sontag on Life, Death, Art, and Freedom
Susan Sontag on Life, Death, Art, and Freedom

“Oh, where is the out-going freedom, the instrumental freedom from, freedom that is not this enormous possession of one’s own heart which is death?”

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How to Raise a Child: 10 Rules from Young Susan Sontag
How to Raise a Child: 10 Rules from Young Susan Sontag

Be consistent. Always speak well of his pop. Do not discourage childish fantasies.

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Why Emotional Excess is Essential to Writing and Creativity
Why Emotional Excess is Essential to Writing and Creativity

“Something is always born of excess: great art was born of great terrors, great loneliness, great inhibitions, instabilities, and it always balances them.”

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