Reads tagged with “education”

The Will to Doubt: Bertrand Russell on Free Thought and Our Only Effective Self-Defense Against Propaganda
“The protection of minorities is vitally important; and even the most orthodox of us may find himself in a minority some day, so that we all have an interest in restraining the tyranny of majorities.”

John Dewey on How to Find Your Calling, the Key to a Fulfilling Vocation, and Why Diverse Interests Are Essential for Excellence in Any Field
“To find out what one is fitted to do and to secure an opportunity to do it is the key to happiness.”

Pioneering Psychologist Jerome Bruner on the Act of Discovery and the Key to True Learning
“Discovery, like surprise, favors the well-prepared mind.”

John Cage on Human Nature, Constructive Anarchy, and How Silence Helps Us Amplify Each Other’s Goodness
“It is essential that we be convinced of the goodness of human nature, and we must act as though people are good.”

The American Scholar: Emerson’s Superb Speech on the Life of the Mind, the Art of Creative Reading, and the Building Blocks of Genius
“Character is higher than intellect. Thinking is the function. Living is the functionary… A great soul will be strong to live, as well as strong to think.”

On the Soul-Sustaining Necessity of Resisting Self-Comparison and Fighting Cynicism: A Commencement Address
“In its passivity and resignation, cynicism is a hardening, a calcification of the soul. Hope is a stretching of its ligaments, a limber reach for something greater.”

Know Your Clouds: A 1966 Animated Morphology of the Skies
A surprisingly poetic educational film about the ten basic cloud types and their distinct shapes, shades, and altitudes.

Nietzsche on How to Find Yourself and the True Value of Education
“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life.”

Teaching and the Consecration of Truth: Parker Palmer on Education as a Spiritual Practice
“To teach is to create a space in which obedience to truth is practiced.”
