The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “Helen Keller”

The Trans-Sensory Transcendence of Music: Helen Keller’s Electrifying Letter About “Hearing” Beethoven’s Ode to Joy
The Trans-Sensory Transcendence of Music: Helen Keller’s Electrifying Letter About “Hearing” Beethoven’s Ode to Joy

“I felt the chorus grow more exultant, more ecstatic, upcurving swift and flame-like, until my heart almost stood still.”

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Legendary Optimist Helen Keller on Her Greatest Regret
Legendary Optimist Helen Keller on Her Greatest Regret

“Out of this sorrowful experience I understand more fully all human strivings, thwarted ambitions, and the infinite capacity of hope.”

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Alexander Graham Bell on Originality, Plagiarism, Language, and Education
Alexander Graham Bell on Originality, Plagiarism, Language, and Education

“Our most original compositions are composed exclusively of expressions derived from others.”

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Hello Goodbye Hello: Rudyard Kipling Meets Mark Twain Meets Helen Keller
Hello Goodbye Hello: Rudyard Kipling Meets Mark Twain Meets Helen Keller

“His voice seemed to say like the river, ‘Why hurry? Eternity is long; the ocean can wait.'”

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May 9, 1933: Helen Keller’s Searing Letter to the Nazis About Censorship and the Inextinguishable Freedom of Ideas
May 9, 1933: Helen Keller’s Searing Letter to the Nazis About Censorship and the Inextinguishable Freedom of Ideas

“You can burn my books… but the ideas in them have seeped through a million channels and will continue to quicken other minds.”

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Helen Keller on Optimism
Helen Keller on Optimism

“The struggle which evil necessitates is one of the greatest blessings. It makes us strong, patient, helpful men and women. It lets us into the soul of things and teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”

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Dance Is Like Thought: Helen Keller Visits Martha Graham’s Studio
Dance Is Like Thought: Helen Keller Visits Martha Graham’s Studio

“Oh, how wonderful! How like the mind it is!”

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All Ideas Are Second-Hand: Mark Twain’s Magnificent Letter to Helen Keller About the Myth of Originality
All Ideas Are Second-Hand: Mark Twain’s Magnificent Letter to Helen Keller About the Myth of Originality

“The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism.”

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