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The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “Leonardo da Vinci”

Leonardo’s Brain: What a Posthumous “Brain Scan” Six Centuries Later Reveals about the Source of Da Vinci’s Creativity
Leonardo’s Brain: What a Posthumous “Brain Scan” Six Centuries Later Reveals about the Source of Da Vinci’s Creativity

How the most creative human who ever lived was able to access a different state of consciousness.

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Leonardo da Vinci’s Life and Legacy, in a Vintage Pop-Up Book
Leonardo da Vinci’s Life and Legacy, in a Vintage Pop-Up Book

The legacy of the great artist, inventor, and scientist in illustrated “interactive” paper engineering that would’ve made Leonardo himself nod with delight.

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A Rare Glimpse of Leonardo da Vinci’s Anatomical Drawings
A Rare Glimpse of Leonardo da Vinci’s Anatomical Drawings

How one of history’s greatest artists almost became history’s greatest anatomist.

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A Definitive Guide to Leonardo da Vinci’s Paintings and Drawings
A Definitive Guide to Leonardo da Vinci’s Paintings and Drawings

From anatomy to aviation, or what Leonardo’s drawings reveal about cross-disciplinary creativity.

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Beloved British Artist Ralph Steadman Illustrates the Life of Leonardo da Vinci
Beloved British Artist Ralph Steadman Illustrates the Life of Leonardo da Vinci

A visual “autobiography” of the legendary polymath that grants equal dignity to the grit and the glory.

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The Long Game: Brilliant Visual Essays on the Only Secret to Creative Success, from Leonardo da Vinci to Marie Curie
The Long Game: Brilliant Visual Essays on the Only Secret to Creative Success, from Leonardo da Vinci to Marie Curie

Why showing up day in and day out without fail is the surest way to achieve lasting success.

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Da Vinci’s Ghost: How The Vitruvian Man Came To Be
Da Vinci’s Ghost: How The Vitruvian Man Came To Be

Fifteen centuries of combinatorial creativity, or what Leonardo’s to-do list has to do with ancient Rome.

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