The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “letters”

18-Year-Old Sylvia Plath on Loving Everybody and Living with Curiosity
18-Year-Old Sylvia Plath on Loving Everybody and Living with Curiosity

“Every story, every incident, every bit of conversation is raw material for me.”

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Rilke’s Love Letters
Rilke’s Love Letters

“Now I come to you full of future. And from habit we begin to live our past.”

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The Freud Files: How Freud Engineered His Own Myth
The Freud Files: How Freud Engineered His Own Myth

What Copernicus and Darwin have to do with Marie Bonaparte’s diary and Carl Jung’s scathing fury.

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C.S. Lewis’s Advice to Children on Duty and the Only Three Things Worth Worrying About
C.S. Lewis’s Advice to Children on Duty and the Only Three Things Worth Worrying About

“Most of us need the crutch at times; but of course it’s idiotic to use the crutch when our own legs can do the journey on their own!”

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F. Scott Fitzgerald on Mastering the Muse and How He Wrote His Debut Novel to Win the Love of His Life
F. Scott Fitzgerald on Mastering the Muse and How He Wrote His Debut Novel to Win the Love of His Life

“…as immediately I stopped disciplining the muse she trotted obediently around and became an erratic mistress if not a steady wife.”

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Fatherly Advice from Famous Dads
Fatherly Advice from Famous Dads

“The secret of success is concentrating interest in life… interest in the small things of nature… In other words to be fully awake to everything.”

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All Ideas Are Second-Hand: Mark Twain’s Magnificent Letter to Helen Keller About the Myth of Originality
All Ideas Are Second-Hand: Mark Twain’s Magnificent Letter to Helen Keller About the Myth of Originality

“The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism.”

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C. S. Lewis on the Secret of Happiness in a Letter to Child
C. S. Lewis on the Secret of Happiness in a Letter to Child

“A good toe-nail is not an unsuccessful attempt at a hair.”

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Women in Science: Einstein’s Advice to a Little Girl Who Wants to Be a Scientist
Women in Science: Einstein’s Advice to a Little Girl Who Wants to Be a Scientist

On what matters and what doesn’t.

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E. B. White on the Free Press and the Evils of Corporate Interests in Media
E. B. White on the Free Press and the Evils of Corporate Interests in Media

“Sponsorship in the press is an invitation to corruption and abuse.”

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