The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “politics”

A Lab of My Own: Coming Out In Science
A Lab of My Own: Coming Out In Science

Bringing humanity to science, or what vintage matrimony has to do with modern myth-busting.

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And The Pursuit of Happiness: Maira Kalman Illustrates Democracy
And The Pursuit of Happiness: Maira Kalman Illustrates Democracy

“We hope. We despair. We hope. We despair. This is what governs us. We have a bipolar system.”

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ThoughtBubbler: Visual Storytelling for What Matters
ThoughtBubbler: Visual Storytelling for What Matters

What a pig that can’t walk has to do with mental pollution and the DNA of kindness.

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7 Must-Read Books by TED Global Speakers
7 Must-Read Books by TED Global Speakers

Design imperialism, what gender equality has to do with military spending, and where 185 pig parts go.

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Bike Culture: A Roundup
Bike Culture: A Roundup

How to slam-dunk rubbish, or what abandoned bikes have to do with the economy of war.

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Trespass: A Brief History of Uncommissioned Street Art
Trespass: A Brief History of Uncommissioned Street Art

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Mapping European Stereotypes
Mapping European Stereotypes

A subversive cartography of subjective perceptions of the Old World.

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The Beast File: Infographic Storytelling
The Beast File: Infographic Storytelling

Catholic priests, Greenpeace terrorists, and what Tim Burton has to do with Obama’s entourage.

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The War Prayer: Mark Twain on War and Morality, Animated
The War Prayer: Mark Twain on War and Morality, Animated

“None but the dead are permitted to tell the truth.”

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Market Maketh Man: Distortions of Democracy
Market Maketh Man: Distortions of Democracy

Equilibrium, apathy and what John Stuart Mill has to do with medical marijuana.

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