The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “religion”

Dante and the Eternal Quest for Nonreligious Divinity: Physicist Margaret Wertheim on Science and God
Dante and the Eternal Quest for Nonreligious Divinity: Physicist Margaret Wertheim on Science and God

“I believe that there is a love that moves the sun and the other stars.”

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Bertrand Russell on Immortality, Why Religion Exists, and What “The Good Life” Really Means
Bertrand Russell on Immortality, Why Religion Exists, and What “The Good Life” Really Means

“There are forces making for happiness, and forces making for misery. We do not know which will prevail, but to act wisely we must be aware of both.”

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Einstein’s God: Science, Free Will, and the Human Spirit
Einstein’s God: Science, Free Will, and the Human Spirit

“How we ask our questions affects the answers we arrive at… Science and religion… ask different kinds of questions altogether, probing and illuminating in ways neither could alone.”

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Neil deGrasse Tyson Selects the Eight Books Every Intelligent Person on the Planet Should Read
Neil deGrasse Tyson Selects the Eight Books Every Intelligent Person on the Planet Should Read

How to “glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world.”

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On “Beauty”: Marilynne Robinson on Writing, What Storytelling Can Learn from Science, and the Splendors of Uncertainty
On “Beauty”: Marilynne Robinson on Writing, What Storytelling Can Learn from Science, and the Splendors of Uncertainty

“We are part of a mystery, a splendid mystery within which we must attempt to orient ourselves if we are to have a sense of our own nature.”

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What Comes After Religion: The Search for Meaning in Secular Life
What Comes After Religion: The Search for Meaning in Secular Life

“We need reminders to be good, places to reawaken awe, something to reawaken our kinder, less selfish impulses…”

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A Graphic Cosmogony: Artists Imagine How the Universe Was Born
A Graphic Cosmogony: Artists Imagine How the Universe Was Born

From the lyrical to the ludicrous, uncommon takes on how our world came to be.

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Compassion and the Real Meaning of the Golden Rule
Compassion and the Real Meaning of the Golden Rule

“Compassion… asks us to look into our own hearts, discover what gives us pain, and then refuse, under any circumstance whatsoever, to inflict that pain on anybody else.”

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Wole Soyinka, the First African Writer to Win the Nobel Prize in Literature, on Faith, Medicine, and the Healing of the Human Spirit
Wole Soyinka, the First African Writer to Win the Nobel Prize in Literature, on Faith, Medicine, and the Healing of the Human Spirit

What a continent’s “rich tapestry of intuitive forces” can teach us about healing, of body and of soul.

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Ted Turner on the Meaning of Life, the Trouble with Religion, and His Revision of the 10 Commandments
Ted Turner on the Meaning of Life, the Trouble with Religion, and His Revision of the 10 Commandments

“Our reason for being here is to have a productive, good, long life and to experience the truth that we’re in paradise right now.”

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