The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “remix”

The Pleasure of the Inconceivable Nature of Nature: A Feynman Remix Featuring Joan Feynman
The Pleasure of the Inconceivable Nature of Nature: A Feynman Remix Featuring Joan Feynman

What the science of auroras has to do with the art of romance.

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Introducing The Curator’s Code: A Standard for Honoring Attribution of Discovery Across the Web
Introducing The Curator’s Code: A Standard for Honoring Attribution of Discovery Across the Web

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Neil deGrasse Tyson on Space, Politics, and the Most  Important Thing to Know About the Universe
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Space, Politics, and the Most Important Thing to Know About the Universe

What our sense connectedness has to do with NASA’s budget and the osmosis of rationality and intuition.

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From Rapunzel to The Little Red Riding Hood, Beloved Children’s Classics as Minimalist Posters
From Rapunzel to The Little Red Riding Hood, Beloved Children’s Classics as Minimalist Posters

Visual hyper-distillation of iconic storytelling.

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Everything is a Remix Part 4: System Failure
Everything is a Remix Part 4: System Failure

A brief history of intellectual property, or why 1790 was more culturally progressive than 2012.

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Why Creativity Necessitates Eclecticism: Nick Cave’s Influences and Inspirations
Why Creativity Necessitates Eclecticism: Nick Cave’s Influences and Inspirations

What Dostoevsky has to do with the hunchback of Notre Dame, Muhammad Ali, and dandelions.

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Austin Kleon on 10 Things Every Creative Person Should Remember But We Often Forget
Austin Kleon on 10 Things Every Creative Person Should Remember But We Often Forget

What T.S. Eliot has to do with genetics and the optimal investment theory for your intellectual life.

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Wired for Culture: How Language Enabled “Visual Theft,” Sparked Innovation, and Helped Us Evolve
Wired for Culture: How Language Enabled “Visual Theft,” Sparked Innovation, and Helped Us Evolve

Why remix culture and collaborative creativity are an evolutionary advantage.

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Design Legend David Carson Brings Marshall McLuhan’s “Probes” to Life
Design Legend David Carson Brings Marshall McLuhan’s “Probes” to Life

One of today’s greatest graphic designers reframes yesteryear’s greatest media prophet.

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How To Be Emotionally Stable: A Cosmic Melody
How To Be Emotionally Stable: A Cosmic Melody

“…and realize that everything is connected to everything else…”

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