The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “environment”

We’re Getting On: The Book That Grows Trees
We’re Getting On: The Book That Grows Trees

Life without Twitter, luddite literature, and why judging a book by its cover may at last be okay.

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Earth Day the TED Way
Earth Day the TED Way

Oceans, omnivores, and what babies have to do with design manifestos.

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Infoviz Education: Animated Visualizations for Kids
Infoviz Education: Animated Visualizations for Kids

Helium, carbon, and what Little Red Riding Hood has to do with malnutrition in Africa.

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Project Documerica: A Portrait of the 1970s Environmental Movement
Project Documerica: A Portrait of the 1970s Environmental Movement

Tie-dye jeans, soda can houses, and what Thai Buddhists have to do with American cowboys.

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Phylomon: The Game of Life
Phylomon: The Game of Life

Pokemon meets Mother Earth, or what preschoolers have to do with the life of life.

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Bike Culture: A Roundup
Bike Culture: A Roundup

How to slam-dunk rubbish, or what abandoned bikes have to do with the economy of war.

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World Water Day: 3 Smart Projects to Celebrate It
World Water Day: 3 Smart Projects to Celebrate It

What indie music and your favorite restaurant have to do with Haiti and TED.

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Animation Spotlight: I AM
Animation Spotlight: I AM

Deconstructing bears, or what mechanization has to do with access to language.

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One Cubic Foot of Life
One Cubic Foot of Life

Lap-sized habitats, or what Central Park gardens and Polynesian reefs have in common.

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Death by Design
Death by Design

Minimizing your mortal footprint, or how to write a shopping list — literally — with the dead.

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