The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “video”

How Rockets Really Work
How Rockets Really Work

The chemistry of ridable explosions.

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The Science of Dust, Picasso’s Favorite Phenomenon
The Science of Dust, Picasso’s Favorite Phenomenon

“With every breath, we inhale a bit of the story of our universe, our planet’s past and future…”

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The Dark Side of Certainty: Jacob Bronowski on the Spirit of Science and What Auschwitz Teaches Us About Our Compulsion for Control
The Dark Side of Certainty: Jacob Bronowski on the Spirit of Science and What Auschwitz Teaches Us About Our Compulsion for Control

“Science is a tribute to what we can know although we are fallible… We have to cure ourselves of the itch for absolute knowledge and power.”

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Why There Was No First Human
Why There Was No First Human

“It’s just like how you used to be a baby and now you’re older, but there was no single day when you went to bed young and woke up old.”

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The Miraculous in the Mundane: Richard Feynman Explains How Rubber Bands Work
The Miraculous in the Mundane: Richard Feynman Explains How Rubber Bands Work

“The world is a dynamic mess of jiggling things, if you look at it right.”

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Maya Angelou on Courage and Facing Evil
Maya Angelou on Courage and Facing Evil

“There is nothing quite so tragic as a young cynic, because it means the person has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing.”

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Maira Kalman at TEDxMet
Maira Kalman at TEDxMet

What teenage Vladimir Nabokov has to do with the spiritual power of shoes.

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Why Love Needs Space: Applying the Benjamin Franklin Effect to Romantic Relationships
Why Love Needs Space: Applying the Benjamin Franklin Effect to Romantic Relationships

Empirical evidence for the healthy push-and-pull of love.

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The Timekeeper: Behind the Scenes of Humanity’s Most Accurate Atomic Clocks, Which Dictate Our Daily Lives
The Timekeeper: Behind the Scenes of Humanity’s Most Accurate Atomic Clocks, Which Dictate Our Daily Lives

“Time is a coordinate that lets us most simply understand the evolution of the universe.”

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The Nature of the Self: Experimental Philosopher Joshua Knobe on How We Know Who We Are
The Nature of the Self: Experimental Philosopher Joshua Knobe on How We Know Who We Are

A mind-bending new understanding of our basic existential anchor.

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