Reads tagged with “art”

M.C. Escher on Creativity and Grasping the Largest Mystery Through the Immense Beauty of the Very Small
“What is that so-called reality; what is this theory other than a beautiful but primordially human illusion?”

Nobel Laureate Wisława Szymborska’s Poem “Love at First Sight,” Illustrated
“Every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through.”

The Temple of Flora: Stunning Illustrations of Flowers Inspired by Erasmus Darwin’s Radical Scientific Poem About the Sexual Reproduction of Plants
“If thou art perfectly at leisure… walk in, and view the wonders of my enchanted garden.”

Women Holding Things: Artist Maira Kalman’s Tender and Quirky Ode to the Weight of the World and the Barely Bearable Lightness of Being
“There can never be enough time. And you can never hold on to it.”

Artist Nina Katchadourian’s Otherworldly Plants Made of Trash and Tenderness
A haunting invitation to reckon with the relationship between nature and human nature, consumption and creativity, and the mind’s indomitable capacity for playful wonderment.

Le Monde de la Mer: Stunning 19th-Century French Illustrations of the Wonders of the Sea
Dive into “the world of the sea in its luxury and its agitations.”

Nick Cave on Music, Mystery, and the Relationship Between Vulnerability and Freedom
“There is more going on than we can see or understand, and we need to find a way to lean into the mystery of things…. and recognise the evident value in doing that, and summon the courage it requires to not always shrink back into the known mind.”

The Otherworldly Wonders of This World: Stunning 19th-Century Natural History Illustrations of Lizards
From geckos to chameleons, a scaly journey down the hallway of evolutionary time through the portal of beauty.

Nick Cave on Creative Work as an Instrument of Self-Forgiveness and the Necessity of Hope in a Fragile World
In praise of “the necessary and urgent need to love life and one another, despite the casual cruelty of the world.”
