The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Page 1498

Wayfinding in Wittgenstein’s World: 88 Constellations
Wayfinding in Wittgenstein’s World: 88 Constellations

A non-linear tour of philosophy, or what Carmen Miranda has to do with the Vienna Circle.

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How the Dutch Do Title Sequences
How the Dutch Do Title Sequences

What steampunk, broccoli and an electrocuted apple have to do with celebrating indiscriminate curiosity.

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Fresh Stuff from Michel Gondry
Fresh Stuff from Michel Gondry

Swarms of shiny happy people and some cinematic magic.

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The Century of the Self: A Fascinating BBC Documentary About the Rise of Consumerism and Democracy
The Century of the Self: A Fascinating BBC Documentary About the Rise of Consumerism and Democracy

An four-part probe into the depths of consumerism and democracy, and how those in power used Freud’s theories to manipulate the masses.

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