The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “AsapSCIENCE”

The Science of Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg, Animated
The Science of Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg, Animated

What the ancient proto-chicken has to do with how wolves became dogs.

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The Science of Why We Are All Female, Animated
The Science of Why We Are All Female, Animated

Why males have nipples, or what a zipper has to do with the distinction between male and female genitalia.

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The Science of Your Brain on Alcohol, Animated
The Science of Your Brain on Alcohol, Animated

How your GABA receptors keep you gabbing while tipsy.

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The Science of Lucid Dreaming and How to Learn to Control Your Dreams, Animated
The Science of Lucid Dreaming and How to Learn to Control Your Dreams, Animated

Trekking the continuum of sleep and wakefulness in a journey into metaconsciousness.

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The Science of Orgasms and Your Brain on Porn
The Science of Orgasms and Your Brain on Porn

Inside the complex tangle of biology and behavior that shapes our relationship with and experience of sex.

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Can Money Buy Us Happiness? The Psychology of Materialism, Animated
Can Money Buy Us Happiness? The Psychology of Materialism, Animated

Experiences vs. things, or why the emotional rewards of pro-social spending outshine those of self-interest.

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The Science of Productivity, Animated
The Science of Productivity, Animated

“Studies have found that the most elite violinists in the world generally follow a 90-minute work regime, with a 15- to 20-minute break afterwards.”

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The Science of Why We Blush, Animated
The Science of Why We Blush, Animated

What adrenaline-responsive blood vessels have to do with the social signaling of remorse.

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The Science of Procrastination and How to Manage It, Animated
The Science of Procrastination and How to Manage It, Animated

This is where you insert the meta-joke about what else you’re actually supposed to be doing this very moment.

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The Science of How Music Enchants the Brain, Animated
The Science of How Music Enchants the Brain, Animated

How harmony, melody, and rhythm trigger the same reward systems that drive our desires for food and sex.

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