The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “culture”

Anthony Burgess on What Gives Art and Science Their Immeasurable Value
Anthony Burgess on What Gives Art and Science Their Immeasurable Value

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Diseases of the Will: Neuroscience Founding Father Santiago Ramón y Cajal on the Six Psychological Flaws That Keep the Talented from Achieving Greatness
Diseases of the Will: Neuroscience Founding Father Santiago Ramón y Cajal on the Six Psychological Flaws That Keep the Talented from Achieving Greatness

“Our neurons must be used … not only to know but also to transform knowledge; not only to experience but also to construct.”

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Artist Anne Truitt on the Transcendent Sense of “Enough” and the Epiphany That Revealed to Her the Purpose of Art
Artist Anne Truitt on the Transcendent Sense of “Enough” and the Epiphany That Revealed to Her the Purpose of Art

“I saw myself stretched like brown earth in furrows, open to the sky, well planted, my life as a human being complete.”

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Rebecca West on Storytelling as a Survival Mechanism and How Art Transforms Mere Existence into Meaningful Being
Rebecca West on Storytelling as a Survival Mechanism and How Art Transforms Mere Existence into Meaningful Being

“Art is not a plaything, but a necessity, and its essence, form, is not a decorative adjustment, but a cup into which life can be poured and lifted to the lips and be tasted.”

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Einstein’s Remarkable Letter to a Grief-Stricken Father Who Had Just Lost His Son
Einstein’s Remarkable Letter to a Grief-Stricken Father Who Had Just Lost His Son

A poignant perspective on “the way to reach the attainable measure of peace of mind.”

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Rebecca Solnit on Breaking Silence as Our Mightiest Weapon Against Oppression
Rebecca Solnit on Breaking Silence as Our Mightiest Weapon Against Oppression

“We are our stories, stories that can be both prison and the crowbar to break open the door of that prison.”

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The Telling: An Unusual and Profound 1967 Manifesto for Truth
The Telling: An Unusual and Profound 1967 Manifesto for Truth

“The task of truth is divided among us, to the number of us… We must grasp the Subject with the tongs of our individual littleness; take the measure of it with what we are.”

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Hooked on the Heavens: How Caroline Herschel, the First Professional Woman Astronomer, Nearly Died by Meathook in the Name of Science
Hooked on the Heavens: How Caroline Herschel, the First Professional Woman Astronomer, Nearly Died by Meathook in the Name of Science

How a paragon of persistence in the face of hardship discovered eight comets and paved the way for women in science.

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How to Live Life with Fantastic Aliveness: Remembering Amy Krouse Rosenthal
How to Live Life with Fantastic Aliveness: Remembering Amy Krouse Rosenthal

In praise of the precious miraculousness of the mundane.

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Living and Loving Through Loss: Beautiful Letters of Consolation from Great Artists, Writers, and Scientists
Living and Loving Through Loss: Beautiful Letters of Consolation from Great Artists, Writers, and Scientists

Words of comfort and compassion from Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Rachel Carson, Charles Darwin, Alan Turing, Johannes Brahms, and Charles Dickens.

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