The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “letters”

A Partnership Larger Than Marriage: The Stunning Love Letters of Kahlil Gibran and Mary Haskell
A Partnership Larger Than Marriage: The Stunning Love Letters of Kahlil Gibran and Mary Haskell

“You are like the Great Spirit, who befriends man not only to share his life, but to add to it. My knowing you is the greatest thing in my days and nights, a miracle quite outside the natural order of things.”

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The Monarchs, Music, and the Meaning of Life: The Most Touching Deathbed Love Letter Ever Written
The Monarchs, Music, and the Meaning of Life: The Most Touching Deathbed Love Letter Ever Written

From butterflies to Beethoven, an ode to the heart’s uncontainable dimensions.

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Descartes on the Cure for Indecision
Descartes on the Cure for Indecision

“There are no grounds for fear of the unknown: for often the things we most dreaded, before we experienced them, turn out to be better than those we desired.”

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Dissident Poet Boris Pasternak on Aloneness and Why We Make Art
Dissident Poet Boris Pasternak on Aloneness and Why We Make Art

“A book is nothing but a cube of hot, smoking conscience.”

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Keats on the Three Layers of Reality and What Gives Meaning to Human Existence
Keats on the Three Layers of Reality and What Gives Meaning to Human Existence

“Every mental pursuit takes its reality and worth from the ardour of the pursuer.”

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Philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft on the Imagination and Its Seductive Power in Human Relationships
Philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft on the Imagination and Its Seductive Power in Human Relationships

“These emotions … appear to me to be the distinctive characteristic of genius, the foundation of taste, and of that exquisite relish for the beauties of nature, of which the common herd of eaters and drinkers and child-begeters, certainly have no idea.”

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John Steinbeck on Good and Evil, the Necessary Contradictions of the Human Nature, and Our Grounds for Lucid Hope
John Steinbeck on Good and Evil, the Necessary Contradictions of the Human Nature, and Our Grounds for Lucid Hope

“All the goodness and the heroisms will rise up again, then be cut down again and rise up. It isn’t that the evil thing wins — it never will — but that it doesn’t die.”

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Einstein on Widening Our Circles of Compassion
Einstein on Widening Our Circles of Compassion

“Our task must be to free ourselves … by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

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De Profundis: Patti Smith Reads Oscar Wilde’s Stirring Letter on Suffering and Transcendence, Penned in Prison
De Profundis: Patti Smith Reads Oscar Wilde’s Stirring Letter on Suffering and Transcendence, Penned in Prison

“I have got to make everything that has happened to me good for me… There is not a single degradation of the body which I must not try and make into a spiritualising of the soul.”

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Abraham Lincoln on Living with Loss: His Magnificent Letter of Consolation to a Grief-stricken Young Woman
Abraham Lincoln on Living with Loss: His Magnificent Letter of Consolation to a Grief-stricken Young Woman

On trusting that time will transmute the unbearable pain of grief into “a sad sweet feeling in your heart.”

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