Reads tagged with “out of print”

Change the Narrative, Change Your Destiny: How James Baldwin Read His Way from Harlem to the Literary Pantheon
“You’re playing the game according to somebody else’s rules, and you can’t win until you understand the rules and step out of that particular game, which is not, after all, worth playing.”

Stunning Cyanotypes of Sea Algae by the Self-Taught Victorian Botanist Anna Atkins, the First Woman Photographer and a Pioneer of Scientific Illustration
Beautiful blueness from a trailblazing woman in science.

Sense of Nonsense: Alan Watts on How We Find Meaning by Surrendering to Meaninglessness
“It is in this kind of meaninglessness that we come to the profoundest meaning.”

André Gide on Sincerity, Being vs. Appearing, and What It Really Means to Be Yourself
“Don’t ever do anything through affectation or to make people like you or through imitation or for the pleasure of contradicting.”

David the Dreamer: Extraordinary Philosophical 1922 Children’s Book Illustrated by Freud’s Nonbinary Niece Named Tom
The kind of book that reads you as you read it.

The Illustrated Story of Harvey Milk, Humanitarian Martyr for Love
How a little boy with big ears grew up to hear the cry for social justice and answered it with a clarion call for equality in the kingdom of love.

Margaret Mead and James Baldwin on Identity, Race, the Immigrant Experience, and Why the “Melting Pot” Is a Problematic Metaphor
“You’ve got to tell the world how to treat you. If the world tells you how you are going to be treated, you are in trouble.”

A Rap on Race: Margaret Mead and James Baldwin’s Forgotten Conversation about Forgiveness and the Difference Between Guilt and Responsibility
“We’ve got to be as clear-headed about human beings as possible, because we are still each other’s only hope.”

When I Have a Little Girl / When I Have a Little Boy: A Vintage Illustrated Daydream about Life without Unimaginative Rules
“She can pet any dog she likes without asking if it’s friendly. (She’ll know. I always do.)”
