The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “Primo Levi”

Holocaust Survivor Primo Levi on Human Nature, Happiness and Unhappiness, and the Interconnectedness of Our Fates
Holocaust Survivor Primo Levi on Human Nature, Happiness and Unhappiness, and the Interconnectedness of Our Fates

“A country is considered the more civilized the more the wisdom and efficiency of its laws hinder a weak man from becoming too weak or a powerful one too powerful.”

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Primo Levi on the Spiritual Value of Science and How Space Exploration Brings Humanity Closer Together
Primo Levi on the Spiritual Value of Science and How Space Exploration Brings Humanity Closer Together

“For good or evil, we are a single people: the more we become conscious of this, the less difficult and long will be humanity’s progress toward justice and peace.”

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