Reads tagged with “psychology”

Love’s Work: Philosopher Gillian Rose on the Value of Getting It Wrong
“You may be weaker than the whole world but you are always stronger than yourself. Let me send my power against my power… Let me discover what it is that I want and fear from love. Power and love, might and grace.”

How People Change: Psychoanalyst Allen Wheelis on the Essence of Freedom and the Two Elements of Self-Transcendence
“We create ourselves. The sequence is suffering, insight, will, action, change.”

An Antidote to the Anxiety About Imperfection: Parenting Advice from Mister Rogers
“It’s part of being human to fall short of that total acceptance and ultimate understanding — and often far short.”

Between Matter and Spirit: Psychoanalyst Allen Wheelis on the Substance of What We Are
“We are carriers of spirit… into a future unknown, unknowable, and in continual creation.”

Kierkegaard on the Value of Despair
“To despair over oneself, in despair to want to be rid of oneself, is the formula for all despair.”

How to Be More Alive: Hermann Hesse on Wonder and the Proper Aim of Education
“While wandering down the path of wonder, I briefly escape the world of separation and enter the world of unity.”

Reason and Emotion: Scottish Philosopher John Macmurray on the Key to Wholeness and the Fundaments of a Fulfilling Life
“The emotional life is not simply a part or an aspect of human life. It is not, as we so often think, subordinate, or subsidiary to the mind. It is the core and essence of human life. The intellect arises out of it, is rooted in it, draws its nourishment and sustenance from it.”

The Experience Machine: Cognitive Philosopher Andy Clark on the Power of Expectation and How the Mind Renders Reality
“We are never simply seeing what’s ‘really there,’ stripped bare of our own anticipations or insulated from our own past experiences. Instead, all human experience is part phantom — the product of deep-set predictions.”

Everything Is Already There: Javier Marías on the Courage to Heed Your Intuitions
“This has nothing to do with premonitions, there is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it, what’s mysterious is that we pay no heed to it.”
