The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “Rachel Carson”

Dotspotting Expressionist Science: What the Mysterious Color-Markings on Storm Drains Have to Do with Rachel Carson’s Legacy and the War on a Deadly Virus
Dotspotting Expressionist Science: What the Mysterious Color-Markings on Storm Drains Have to Do with Rachel Carson’s Legacy and the War on a Deadly Virus

Strange signals from the lacuna between street art and microbiology.

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Beloved Writers on the Mightiest Antidote to Depression
Beloved Writers on the Mightiest Antidote to Depression

On the consolations of monarchs and of stars.

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The Best of Brain Pickings 2019
The Best of Brain Pickings 2019

Love, poetry, friendship, solitude, and lots of trees.

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How to Save a World: Rachel Carson’s Advice to Posterity
How to Save a World: Rachel Carson’s Advice to Posterity

“Mankind is challenged, as it has never been challenged before, to prove its maturity and its mastery — not of nature, but of itself.”

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The Year of the Whale: A Lyrical Illustrated Serenade to One of Our Planet’s Most Precious Creatures
The Year of the Whale: A Lyrical Illustrated Serenade to One of Our Planet’s Most Precious Creatures

“Moving through a dim, dark, cool, watery world of its own, the whale is timeless and ancient; part of our common heritage and yet remote, awful, prowling the ocean floor a half-mile down, under the guidance of powers and senses we are only beginning to grasp.”

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The Big Picture: Ellen Bass’s Immense and Intimate Poem of Perspective and Persistence, Read by Amanda Palmer
The Big Picture: Ellen Bass’s Immense and Intimate Poem of Perspective and Persistence, Read by Amanda Palmer

On the precious smallnesses that matter amid the vast and transitory maelstrom of matter.

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Thrush Song: A Stunning Harmonic Tribute to Rachel Carson’s Courage by Composer Paola Prestini and the Young People’s Chorus of New York City
Thrush Song: A Stunning Harmonic Tribute to Rachel Carson’s Courage by Composer Paola Prestini and the Young People’s Chorus of New York City

“All the loveliness that is in nature came to me with such a surge of deep happiness.”

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Losing the Birds, Finding the Words: Eve Ensler’s Extraordinary Letter of Apology to Mother Earth
Losing the Birds, Finding the Words: Eve Ensler’s Extraordinary Letter of Apology to Mother Earth

“I am the reason the birds are missing… I am made of dirt and grit and stars and river, skin, bone, leaf, whiskers and claws. I am a part of you, of this, nothing more or less. I am mycelium, petal pistil and stamen… I am energy and I am dust. I am wave and I am wonder. I am an impulse and an order.”

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The Universe in Verse 2018: Full Show
The Universe in Verse 2018: Full Show

An evening of poems celebrating science, read by beloved artists, writers, scientists, and musicians.

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Rachel Carson’s Birdsong Notation, Set to Music
Rachel Carson’s Birdsong Notation, Set to Music

A melodic homage to the patron saint of the modern environmental conscience.

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