Reads tagged with “Rilke”

Let This Darkness Be a Bell Tower: Rilke’s Timeless Spell for Living Through Difficult Times
“What is it like, such intensity of pain?”

Rilke on the Relationship Between Solitude, Love, Sex, and Creativity
“There is only one solitude, and it is large and not easy to bear… People are drawn to the easy and to the easiest side of the easy. But it is clear that we must hold ourselves to the difficult.”

The Best of Brain Pickings 2018
The splendors of the unknown, the uncertain, and the unclassifiable, truth and beauty at the intersection of poetry and science, the timeless tangles of the heart.

The Difficult Art of Giving Space in Love: Rilke on Freedom, Togetherness, and the Secret to a Good Marriage
“I hold this to be the highest task of a bond between two people: that each should stand guard over the solitude of the other.”

Rilke on Inspiration and the Combinatorial Nature of Creativity
“One must have memories of many nights of love, none of which was like the others… One must also have been beside the dying, one must have sat beside the dead in the room with the open window…”

Of Trees, Solitude, Love, Loss, and the Stubborn Symphony of Aliveness: The Best of Brain Pickings / The Marginalian 2021
From the Stoics to the snails, by way of music, matter, and the mind.

How to Live with Our Human Limitations: Physicist Brian Greene Reads and Reflects on Rilke’s Profoundest Elegy
“Not because happiness exists, that over-hasty profit from imminent loss, not out of curiosity, or to practice the heart… But because being here is much, and because all that’s here seems to need us.”

The Integrity of Parting Ways: Rilke on Unwounding Separation and the Difficult Art of Reimagining Broken Relationships
“Nothing locks people in error as much as the daily repetition of error.”

Rilke on the Lonely Patience of Creative Work
“Works of art are of an infinite loneliness and with nothing so little to be reached as with criticism. Only love can grasp and hold and be just toward them.”
