Reads tagged with “Toni Morrison”

Resolutions for a Life Worth Living: Attainable Aspirations Inspired by Great Humans of the Past
Life-tested wisdom on how to live from James Baldwin, Ursula K. Le Guin, Leo Tolstoy, Seneca, Toni Morrison, Walt Whitman, Viktor Frankl, Rachel Carson, and Hannah Arendt.

Borders and Belonging: Toni Morrison’s Prescient Wisdom on the Refugee Struggle, the Violence of Otherness, and the Meaning of Home
“It may be that the most defining characteristic of our times is that, again, walls and weapons feature as prominently now as they once did in medieval times.”

The Source of Self-Regard: Toni Morrison on Wisdom in the Age of Information
“We move from data to information to knowledge to wisdom. And separating one from the other… knowing the limitations and the danger of exercising one without the others, while respecting each category of intelligence, is generally what serious education is about.”

Two Hundred Years of Blue
Cerulean splendor from Goethe, Thoreau, Virginia Woolf, Vladimir Nabokov, Rachel Carson, Toni Morrison, and other literary masters.

Storytelling and the Power of Language: Toni Morrison’s Spectacular Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
“We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.”

Toni Morrison on the Body as an Instrument of Joy, Sanity, and Self-Love
“Love your hands! Love them. Raise them up and kiss them… Love your neck; put a hand on it, grace it, stroke it and hold it up… Love your heart. For this is the prize.”

Toni Morrison on the Power of Art and the Writer’s Singular Service to Humanity
“Art invites us to know beauty and to solicit it from even the most tragic of circumstances. Art reminds us that we belong here. And if we serve, we last.”

Toni Morrison on the Deepest Meaning of Freedom
In praise of loving anything and anyone you choose to love.

Literary Witches: An Illustrated Celebration of Trailblazing Women Writers Who Have Enchanted and Transformed the World
From Sappho to Toni Morrison, an homage to writers who have wielded the power of the mind in language with uncommon virtuosity.
