The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “happiness”

Bertrand Russell on the Salve for Our Modern Helplessness and Overwhelm
Bertrand Russell on the Salve for Our Modern Helplessness and Overwhelm

“A way of life cannot be successful so long as it is a mere intellectual conviction. It must be deeply felt, deeply believed, dominant even in dreams.”

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Delight as a Daily Practice: A Poetic Illustrated Meditation on the Meaning of Happiness and Its Quiet Everyday Sources
Delight as a Daily Practice: A Poetic Illustrated Meditation on the Meaning of Happiness and Its Quiet Everyday Sources

A lovely countercultural invitation to savor the unpurchasable joys with which the world is strewn.

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning on Happiness as a Moral Obligation
Elizabeth Barrett Browning on Happiness as a Moral Obligation

“It is well to fly towards the light, even where there may be some fluttering and bruising of wings against the windowpanes, is it not?”

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Agnes Martin on Our Greatest Obstacle to Happiness and How to Transcend It
Agnes Martin on Our Greatest Obstacle to Happiness and How to Transcend It

“No-one knows what your life or life itself should be because it is in the process of being created. Life moves according to a growing consciousness of life and is completely unpredictable.”

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What Makes a Good Life: Revelatory Learnings from Harvard’s 75-Year Study of Human Happiness
What Makes a Good Life: Revelatory Learnings from Harvard’s 75-Year Study of Human Happiness

“The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.”

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