The Marginalian
The Marginalian

Reads tagged with “remix”

Move Your Story Right Along: The Elements of Style Rap
Move Your Story Right Along: The Elements of Style Rap

“Here to teach you how to put the pen down right.”

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Onward to the Edge: Another Symphony of Science Remix Gem
Onward to the Edge: Another Symphony of Science Remix Gem

A mashup ballad for the mystery of the universe.

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What Is a Person?
What Is a Person?

What remix culture and philosophy have to do with personhood in the age of synthetic biology.

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Everything is a Remix: Creative Influences in The Matrix
Everything is a Remix: Creative Influences in The Matrix

Tracing the line from Doctor Who to Morpheus, or what Neo has to do with Alice in Wonderland.

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5 Vintage Versions of Modern Social Media from Centuries Ago
5 Vintage Versions of Modern Social Media from Centuries Ago

From Voltaire’s status updates to Edison’s viral videos, or what Diderot has to do with data visualization.

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25 Celebrated Saul Bass Title Sequences in 100 seconds
25 Celebrated Saul Bass Title Sequences in 100 seconds

Supercutting the visual legacy of the greatest graphic designer of all time.

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The Ecstasy of Influence: Jonathan Lethem on the Author as a Public Intellectual
The Ecstasy of Influence: Jonathan Lethem on the Author as a Public Intellectual

A self-conscious reflection on literary self-consciousness, or what David Foster Wallace’s true gift really was.

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Richard Feynman on Beauty, Honors, and Curiosity
Richard Feynman on Beauty, Honors, and Curiosity

The art of uncertainty, why awards are the wrong pursuit, and how to find wonder in truth.

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Austin Kleon on Cultivating Creativity in the Digital Age
Austin Kleon on Cultivating Creativity in the Digital Age

The genealogy of ideas, why everything is a remix, or what T.S. Eliot can teach us about creativity.

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Spitting in the Face of Creativity?
Spitting in the Face of Creativity?

Lessons in plagiarism from Polish magazine Przekrój.

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